We work in the intersection between architecture, landscape design, engineering, product design and consultancy.
Full spectrum of Architectural Design services
Feasibility Studies and Concept Designs
Pre-application Discussions
Planning Consultancy
Planning Applications
Lawfulness Certificates, Change of Use, Design and Access statements
Building Regulations
Tendering and Construction Plans
Contract administration
Site Inspection and Certification
CDM 2015
Project types
Housing Developments
Apartment Buildings
Private Houses
Listed Buildings
Master Planning and Urbanism
​Light Industrial
Storage units
Commercial and Multifunctional
Hotels and Conference Centres
Office buildings
Shops and Restaurants
Educational and Public Buildings
Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools
we provide BIM modelling service for domestic and non-domestic projects
Point Cloud Scanning and BIM
We do in-house point cloud scanning with our FARO 3D laser scanner.
We prepare all our projects in a fully 3D and BIM software environment from the first building mass sketches to construction plans.
We are able to collaborate with other consultants, clients and contractors through highly detailed and sophisticated (BIM Level 2 standard) virtual-building models in IFC or other standard data formats.
The key to sustainable design solutions is the interaction between architecture and technology.
Client Consultancy
As strategic advisers in the early phases of a building, we draw on many years' experience and knowledge of architecture, design, sustainable construction and construction processes.
BIM & Virtual Reality
We provide BIM modeling & Virtual re service for domestic and non-domestic projects in cooperartion with a BIM specialist company. For quotes and service details please contact us.